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Ever been curious about how a BDSM relationship begins?
Intrigued but not sure you want to experience it for yourself?
Follow Charlie as she embarks on this very journey after meeting Xander, a Dom who has lived this lifestyle for the past twelve years. Edge will take you to the very beginning, letting you explore every single fear, emotion and struggle. The story will give you a look into the adventures of vetting time, leading to their first session.



Continue your journey with Feather, Book Two in the Discovering BDSM Series.  Edge took you through the adventures of vetting, Feather will let you experience the sensual side of BDSM. Follow Xander and Charlie as they take their relationship to the next level, consideration time.



The wait is finally over with Struggle, the third installment in the Discovering BDSM Series.

After Xander admits to having sadistic tendencies, Charlie is faced with a decision that will set the path for their future. She doesn't run, and instead, trusts that he will guide her as he always has.  As they navigate their way through this new adventure, both are tested, pushed to limits, and Charlie learns just how important trust and open communication really is.


Seven years ago, a car crash changed my life, leaving me to pick up the pieces of the person I once was. The accident left me paralyzed from the hips down, and many people say I was lucky, but was I? Of course, I kept living, moving on, trying my best to fight the loneliness and slowly came to the realization that I will never have a relationship again. All that changed when Ace entered my life. Ace isn’t just an ordinary guy, he’s a Dominant, but besides that, he is the one who will show me that my life is only just beginning.



Grab a cup of hot cocoa, cuddle up in a blanket next to the fire and indulge in The Twelve Days of Christmas, experiencing the holiday like you never have before. This story will give you a glimpse into the lives of a Daddy Dom and his little girl as they celebrate the tradition of gift giving. Beware, this story does involve age regression and may not suit everyone. Enjoy.


After we take my private limo to my ultra-fancy apartment on the top floor of New York's highly sought after district, I'll show you my playground and then...wait, wrong book. Sorry, I'm not made of money, nor do I have a private limo...I do have a trailer though? Does that count? So yeah, I'm not a billionaire Dom, not even close. I'm just a southern guy from Georgia who has an interesting story to tell. My story is meant to make you laugh, smile, and give you a glimpse of my journey into the world of BDSM.

-Liam -
One moment can change your entire life, letting it spin out of control. What's left of me is a shadow of a person I once was. I've lost the ability to feel and have explored just about anything to get it back. Waking up in yet another strange bed, I can still feel the scratch marks on my back and that's when I come to the realization that I'm craving pain. Taking the next step, I contact my local BDSM club, hoping to find answers.

-Ava -
Something happened to him; something terrible. He's closed up and not willing to share more than necessary. He's eager to be beaten black and blue,...or so he says. If it's pain he seeks, he's definitely come to the right place...but is that what he needs? I want to get to the root of the problem, and he will have to trust me entirely. One thing is certain, there's no way in hell I can walk away now.

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Even seemingly perfect relationships have unexpected turns, and Charlie is about to be taken on a ride that she never saw coming. With once pleasant dreams turning into nightmares, will Charlie push through and survive, or will she find herself lost in utter darkness? Find out in Collar, the conclusion in the Discovering BDSM series.

Multi-Award-Winning Author Drew A. Lennox presents his Discovering BDSM series combined in one book bundle.

Start your journey with Edge, book one. Not only are you introduced to Charlie and Xander, but you will discover just what the process of vetting entails.

Next, indulge in the sensuality that BDSM has to offer in book two, Feather. You will be eager to turn the pages to continue on to the next stage, consideration time.

In the third installment, Struggle, a secret is revealed and pushes Charlie and Xander to their limits, testing their relationship. Struggle does contain C/NC which may not be suitable for all readers.

Book four, Collar, concludes the Discovering BDSM Series, and showcases that nothing is certain in life or love. Will Charlie push through and survive, or will she find herself lost in utter darkness?

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